So, you know my philosophy, but let's discuss how I'll make it happen for you!


Starting at $1400

The Details

Planning Assistance

It's important that you get just the experience you want from your special day!
Planning assistance includes timeline planning, location guidance, permit assistance and assistance with whatever additional concerns you may have!

Online Gallery

All of my photos are delivered via Pixieset through their online client galleries. Through these galleries, you can download high resolution images (perfect for prints) or low resolution images (good for web use). Additionally, Pixieset offers the use of their professional photo labs to print your special pictures. You can select and purchase various prints through the client gallery!

Pre Wedding Catchup

I want you to feel like you know me before we ever meet! By the time your day comes around, I want to feel like an old friend visiting and celebrating with you. Because of this, every wedding and elopement includes a preplanning phase including questionnaires (tailored to help create a unique and perfect day for you) and phone/video consultation.


The special day is different for everyone. Because of this, I like to be flexible with you. Whether it's a 2-hour ceremony or a multi-day trek through the mountains, my coverage can be flexible to meet your needs!

Sneak Peaks

Sneak Peaks are a way for you to get excited for the full gallery to come and also relay any additional requests back to me before the gallery is completed. Within 72 hours, a variety of highlights will be edited and ready to deliver to you!

Lifestyle Sessions

Starting at $150